Medieval and Renaissance Italian recipes

Medieval and

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Ad fare gelatina de pescie.

Anonimo meridionale libro b  1300

Se voy fare gelatina de pescie, tolli lo pesci e et fallo cocere in bono vino, et tolli lo pane brusciato bene al foco et mictelo a mollo in vino, et poy lo macena et destemperalo in vino greco et con poco d'aceto de vino moscatello, et mictice bone spetie dulci et galanga et falle cocere, et quando lo pesce è cocto, ponilo ad fredare et gectalo suso, et quando è frido, mictice suso questa peperata, et fiet bonum.

If you want to make meat jelly of fish

If you want to make meat jelly of fish, take the fish and cook it in good wine, and take bread burnt well in the fire and mix it to crumbs in wine, and then grind it and temper it in greek and with a little  muscadine wine vinegar, and put in good sweet spices and galangale and cook them, and when the fish is cooked, put it to cool and throw it on, and when it is cold, put it on this pottage with pepper, and let it be good.